Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When Do You Say "Enough is enough?"

I've been in a relationship for 2 months now. Unfortunately, we've both been doing a lot of traveling lately. He was in Washington for a week, a week later he left on tour with his band and the day before he came back I went on a camping trip and to watch my parents house. While he was in Washington he didn't call or text me once. He went up there with his best friend because she was going to visit her girlfriend and didn't want to go alone. His phone doesn't work out of state but he was supposed to use his friend's phone to get a hold of me. He never did. Not once. I at least called every night to say, "Good night."

The day he came back he was going to be in SF for Pride. I was staying in the Bay at my brother's house so I decided to go see him since it had been a week since I had seen him. His friends decided to get drunk in the hotel room so we ended up babysitting them for about 7 hours until I finally had to go home.

The next day I was going to Pride with 2 of my friends as well. Him and I were supposed to meet up but that didn't happen until about an hour and a half before I had to leave to go pick up another friend. That night my brother had invited my boyfriend to come to game night so they could meet and get to know each other. This was important to me because I don't let very many people meet my brother and he doesn't invite very many people to his house that he doesn't know. The boyfriend didn't end up coming because he said that the weekend was supposed to be for him and his friends. I totally understand that but he had just spent a week with his friend and all I wanted was a few hours of his time.

On Sunday, his friends ended up sick so they all went home and I didn't see him at all. When I got back home he didn't make any effort to see me. It took me telling him that I was upset with him and that we needed to talk for him to come over. That was Wednesday and the first time we had spent time alone in about 10 days. I told him how I felt and he said that he understood and he was sorry for not better communicating, he just wanted to leave everything behind for a week. Totally understandable but responsibilities will always be there.

Things went back to normal and we spent some time together but a week later he left on tour. Out of the 5 days that he had been gone he text me once. Which was disappointing because he had told me that he would text me every morning and night. The following Sunday there was a show in SF and I was staying in the Bay again so I went. It took a lot of favors to get me there and a lot of time. When I had asked him if he was alright with me going he said, "That's fine." The response I was hoping for would have been a bit more enthusiastic. By the time I got there, I was tired and annoyed but I put on a smile. He hugged me like he just saw me the day before. I was hugely disappointed. They had to leave right after the show for LA so we didn't get any time together.

I text him that night telling him that when he takes the initiative to start conversations it lets me know that he cares. He text me Monday night after sleeping all day because of the drive and he said that he would start doing that more. We text until about 10 and then I didn't hear from him. Two days later, Wednesday, I get a call from his mom telling me that his phone is broken so he can't get a hold of me. It was a good effort to get a hold of me but if he can call his mother then he can certainly call his girlfriend.

I got a myspace message from him letting me know that his phone was broken. I left on a camping trip that Sunday where I wouldn't have cell phone reception so I left my phone at home. When I came back on Thursday I didn't have anything from him on my cell or the internet. I messaged him on myspace asking if he got a new phone and he hadn't. We've had a message a day back and forth but that's it. He had told me that he was going to come visit me while I am house sitting my parents house but he says he can't do it because of money. Understandable, except that he told me he would do it.

Now I'm going back home and I'm not sure what to do. We're great when we're together but I can't only be in relationship when I'm sitting in front of him. Unfortunately, he has no idea what's going on with me. No idea that I have gone back and forth with the idea of breaking up.

Do I stay knowing that I have to ask for the small things? That he has no follow through? That I will always wonder if he's going to text me? Does he still even want to be in this with me? Can you have a relationship with someone who thinks of this as "out of sight, out of mind?"

1 comment:

  1. Well, I agree with everything Mikey said, but honey most of all I think you need to follow your heart. :)
