Saturday, January 9, 2010

A New Year, A New Attitude

It seems it is typical of the new year for everyone to try to talk about how they are changing themselves or they want to reinvent themselves. Well, I've jumped on the band wagon, I suppose. I recently decided to join the Air Force. I couldn't be happier with my decision. It's something I chose to do for myself and it will give me the ability to take control of my life. Not everyone agrees with my decision but most are being supportive. This I am extremely grateful for.

I have also made the decision to move in with my boyfriend. I've already got most of my stuff over there and I'm so excited. We argue and get mad at each other but there isn't anyone else in the world that I want to be with. My parents met him this morning (which is a huge step, by the way) and they LIKE him. I couldn't be happier about the fact that they do. They took us out to get us two shelving units and an entertainment center for our room. The last blog I wrote was about my, now, ex-boyfriend and my Dad kept saying that he likes my new boyfriend better than my last one. Haha. Not surprising. And my current boyfriend was extremely excited to hear that. ;)

In the past I have always done as parents told me to do or they suggested in the guilty fashion. My parents have never steered me wrong and their advice has always been accurate. Unfortunately, what they want for me and think I would be good at is nursing. I don't have a desire to be a nurse. I believe my parents when they say that I would make a good nurse. But part of being a good nurse is wanting to be one. I understand what my parents are saying but I have to do what I think is best for my life.

2009 was a huge year for me. I never would have thought in a million years that I would join the Air Force or fall in love and move in with a guy. Or that my parents would be in support of it all. They really have grown to respect my decisions. They do not agree with them and they are expressing their concerns but they know the decision is mine. 2009 has documented a lot of firsts in my life. Lost my virginity, fell in love, stood up to my parents, made the decision to join the Air Force and to move in with a guy, gotten a ticket, gotten drunk, got a surprise party, had a boyfriend on my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. This is also the longest relationship I have ever been in. I couldn't be happier about all of the things that I have gone through in the past year. I can't wait for this year to start rolling.